Page 21 - 2020 Barnett Issue
P. 21
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
What a great start to a new season. Over 50 A quick word to everyone on sponsors. We
teams on both days. It was need everyone that can to
a beautiful crowd we had on bring in those local spon-
hand at the weigh-in with lots sors. As I explained before
of kids. Thank you so much if everyone will bring in
for bringing the kids fishing. what they can it will make a
They are the future and please big difference in the end.
encourage more people to Everyone needs to
bring their kids fishing with us. take a minute and careful-
There is nothing more enter- ly read the rules to make
taining than watching a kid sure you understand the
catching fish. It just makes me new points system and the
smile! Please if you have any requirements to qualify for
contacts with businesses or the Championship. It does
companies that might be inter- not matter how many tour-
ested in sponsoring our youth naments you fish during the
please reach out to them. I season. You must finish the
would really love to give more season in the Top 50. Fish-
to our youth anglers. ing 8 tournaments DO NOT
And who better to show qualify you for the Champi-
all those kids how it’s done onship. You must finish in
then Rabbit Rodgers and the Top 50 period.
Pat Jeffcoats. I mean put a Next, we are headed
whooping on us both days. to Enid Lake. They have
But you guys deserve every- really been catching a lot
thing you won. Anyone who can bring in that kind of of fish up there this summer and we should be in
weights 2 days in a row with nothing but a jig pole for one great tournament. I do have one bit of bad
in their hand. My hat is off to you sirs!!! news. Rabbit has a newer and bigger boat set up
I want to give a special thank you to Ridge- just for trolling. Now he will be even more dangerous
land Tourism for sponsoring this tournament. It was no matter what lake we are on. Good luck and may
great to see you at our event and we look forward to God help us all.
working with you more on future events. Michael
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