Page 17 - 2020 Barnett Issue
P. 17
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Paula Nowell - Secretary / Treasurer
Our season has started off with a BANG!!! matter how big or how small it benefits EVERY-
Congratulations to Mr. Rabbit Rogers and Pat ONE if we ALL do whatever we can.
Jeffcoats on win- In case you
ning our 1st two do not understand
tournaments of the the sponsorship pro-
season. Help in me gram, I will explain
in Welcoming all it. Go to our website
our new teams and and click on the link
returning teams, that says “Sponsor-
we all here to enjoy ship Form”. The first
what we love and page explains to the
help our sport grow. sponsor what they
Remember to turn will receive for their
in your weight ticket level of sponsorship.
even if you do not The second page is
have a fish to weight to be filled out and
you will receive an signed by the spon-
additional 25 bonus sor. They need to
points for partici- specify on the form
pation. Enid Lake is name of MCC mem-
next on the list, the ber that receives
weather is getting credit for that spon-
a little cooler and I hear the fish are snapping. sor. Remit forms and money or product due to
Thank you to Katie Womack, Samantha McWil- the club secretary at the address provided. ALL
liams, Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Pat and so many others for PRODUCT MUST BE SENT TO THE CLUB SECRE-
helping with the weigh-ins. TARY.
One of the first things we need to do is If you acquire a single sponsorship of
reach out to our sponsors. Thank them for their $2,500 or more that sponsor may name a team
support and let them know how much we ap- to represent them and that team’s entry fees for
preciate them. Not only that, but support them. regular club tournaments will be waived for the
Give your business to them whenever possible. season. If you cannot acquire a single $2,500
Without them, we would just be a handful of sponsor but the amount of your total sponsor-
men and women gathered around our tailgates ships is $3,000 or greater your team’s entry fees
trading fish stories. for regular club tournaments will be waived for
Second, we need to get busy trying to the season.
recruit new sponsors. No matter how small they If you have any questions feel free to
are all important. And no matter how small they contact me or any of your board of directors
all add up. for help. Let’s all do what we can to keep MCC
For example, we had 50 teams qual- growing.
ify for the championship tournament. If each If you have any questions or suggestions,
of those 50 teams just brought in 1 new $200 please let us know.
sponsor that would add up to $10,000! That’s
$10,000 more we could have wished for in the God Bless!
championship! Or $10,000 we could have added Paula
to the points payout! Or $10,000 we could use
to do something substantial for the youth! No
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