Page 26 - 2020 Barnett Issue
P. 26

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                 From the Rabbit Hole - Rabbit Rogers

            I asked Rabbit to give me some insite              Every fish we caught was buried up in
         on what tech-                                                                 thick cover.
         nique he and Pat                                                                 Cover is some-
         used on Barnett.
         He was gener-                                                                 thing crappie can
         ous enough to                                                                 get under.
         everything but                                                                   Since day one was
         the spots. I can                                                              mighty good we re-
         understand his                                                                peated day two from
         point. For a leg-                                                             day one. (success
         end to explain it                                                             and more success)
         this simple is an
         awesome feat.                                                                    We used 11 foot

            We had a ton                                                               B’n’M Sam Heaton
                                                                                       Bottom Reel Seat
         of questions on                                                               Jig Poles and B’n’M
         what, where, and                                                              Quick Change Reels
         how we caught                                                                 with 10 lb. test line.
         our fish. I did an                                                            As far as I’m con-
         online interview                                                              cerned
         but failed to in-
         clude any details.                                                               this is as good a
            First of all it de-                                                        jig fishing combo
                                                                                         as you can use. I
         pended on the                                                                   used a 1/16 ounce
         weather. Since                                                                  blue head jig and
         it was ideal no                                                                 Pat used a 1/16
         wind-no cur-                                                                    ounce red
         rent conditions
         we went to the                                                                     head jig with
         main lake and                                                                   Mid-South clear
         the game plan                                                                   glow skirts the first
         was to work our                                                                 day and I caught
         way down the                                                                    the most fish. Day
         lake from 43                                                                    two Pat used the
         bridge.                                                                         blue jig head and
            We started                                                                   I used the red jig
         out with visible
         select trees that                                                                  and Pat caught
         we knew where                                                                   the most fish. We
         known produc-                                                                   never use the ex-
         ers. After catch-                                                               act same color just
         ing enough                                                                      in case. If it works
         fish we went to                                                                 don’t complicate it.
         isolated cover

            that historically held big fish. We were              Rabbit
         not disappointed in some of the spots.

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