Page 25 - 2021 Barnett Spring Tournament Issue
P. 25
ia Cr
appie Club
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Paula Nowell - Secretary / Treasurer
Barnett ship at Enid/Sardis;
closed out our this should be a lot
20/21 season, of fun. Stay tuned
to say the least, to see who will be
it was a chal- crowned this sea-
lenging season son’s champions.
with COVID, Congratulations to
but as always, everyone who quali-
the Magnolia fied to fish the cham-
Crappie Club pionship and all the
always prevails. hard work everyone
THANK YOU TO puts into this club.
ALL for helping God Bless &
us be one of
the best crap- All! Good Luck To
pie fishing clubs
in the nation. Paula
Up next is
our Champion-
25 - Adventures Magazine - Sardis Lake Spring 2021 Issue