Page 21 - 2021 Barnett Spring Tournament Issue
P. 21
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Magnol ia Cr appie Club Adv entur es Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
And the 2020-2021 season comes to an end. What a sea- Thank you to the members who have volunteered to help
son it was. We had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. We at the weigh-ins. You do not get enough praise, but your help
had to reschedule tournaments due to Winter Ice storms and is deeply appreciated.
low water issues. As well as untimely construction work we I want to say a BIG thank you to the weigh-in team. Keith,
did not foresee. But everyone kept their cool, and we worked Steven, Scott, Shane, and Paula. You guys do the majority of
through all the issues to still have a pretty the work so the club as a whole can enjoy this
good season. Thank you to all the members great sport we love. We are all indebted to you.
for your patience as we did our best to make
every event safe and enjoyable for everyone. Thank you to my brother Bernard. You do so
It has been exciting to watch new faces much for this club. You test me every day! But I
don’t know what we would do without you.
run up the standings in the points race this
season. Great job to everyone who worked Most of all, thank you, Lord, for my beautiful
to climb the standings and make sure you and wonderful wife, Paula. She is not only my
qualified for the Championship. fishing partner but my life partner and best friend.
I regret that some of our tournaments Not only does she put up with me, but she puts
up with all of you too. She does so much for this
conflicted with other tournament trails that club and does this selflessly.
our members fish. We do our best to work
with others to keep this at a minimum. But with all the differ- Now it’s time for the Championships. We will fish Friday
ent groups we have now, it has become difficult. Hopefully, on Enid and Saturday on Sardis. Our Awards Banquet will be
next season we can get everyone to work together better. Thursday 6:00 pm at the Chickasaw Hill Lodge. I hope every-
I want to say a big thank you to all our sponsors. There one enjoys the meal our friends from Batesville are preparing
for us. We will finally have our elections for new officers. We
are too many for me to list, but we could not do this without may need some new members to step up and be a part of
you. Be sure to support them every chance you get and thank the board. It’s your club. Be a part of keeping this great club
them personally when possible. As the new season will start going. It’s not complicated. Just be willing to give a little bit of
back up after the summer break, be sure to reach out and find your time.
new businesses that want to be a part of our club. We have
some great members that work hard to bring in all the spon- Until then, be safe and Sore Lip ‘em All!
sors they can. We need more members to get involved in this. Michael
It’s your club. It’s up to you to help it grow.
Magnolia Crappie Club Officers & Board of Directors
Name Title Term Ends
Michael Nowell President Yearly
Bernard Williams Vice-President Yearly
Keith Sullivan Tournament Director Yearly
Paula Nowell Secretary/Treasurer Yearly
Stephen Turner Weigh-Master Yearly
Roger Womack Immediate Past President Yearly
Bob Robinson Director 2022
Bill Thornburg Director 2022
David McWilliams Director 2022
Scott Ryals Director 2021
Johnny Walker Director 2021
Vic Finkley Director 2021
Rabbit Rogers Director 2020
William Tyer Director 2020
Steve Marquis Director 2020
21 - Adventures Magazine - Sardis Lake Spring 2021 Issue