Page 24 - 2021 Barnett Spring Tournament Issue
P. 24

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
        Magnol   ia Cr appie Club     Adv entur es   Magazine

                                        Stephen Turner - Weighmaster

             Well, that’s it, folks, the regular season is       being your Weighmaster will forever be memo-
          over—a big congratulations to Aubrey Storey            rable. Getting to know the best of the best ev-
          and Chad Rogers on the B’n’M Angler of the             ery month grind out is surely an honor. Thanks
          year race winners. Scott Ryals and Shane               to each of you for a job well done. Magnolia
          Johnson put another one together for the win           Crappie Club is only as good as its members;
          on Ross Barnett. It has been one heck of a             you all are the best in my book.
          year; I want to thank Yazoo County CVB for               7 fish or 5 fish, my two cents. I like the
          allowing me to fish for them this year. Visit          idea; a little on the fence, but I do like the
          Yazoo, Visit Mississippi. They have already            idea. I’m not sure it will help with conservation
          joined up to sponsor Magnolia Crappie Club for         unless the rule to only have five fish in your
          the 2021-2022 season.                                                        boat is applied as well.
          As well would like to                                                        That I don’t like, see I’m
          thank Walley Marshall for                                                    not a professional tourna-
          allowing me to be part of                                                    ment crappie fisherman.
          the Mr. Crappie Pro Staff                                                    I love to fish and eat ev-
          team. Hope to see each                                                       ery fish I catch or supply

          of you at the 2021 Crap-                                                     fresh fish to some elderly,
          pie Expo in Shreveport,                                                      church’s, My Brother’s
          LA, in October.                                                              Keeper, and many others.

             Now on to the CHAM-                                                       Just keeping 5 fish, well,
          PIONSHIP...... Sardis/                                                       doesn’t sound appealing to
          Enid in June....get those                                                    me. Weighing only five fish,
          crankbaits ready, charge                                                     I’m good with it. I’ve read
          up the batteries and get                                                     several articles and have
          ready for a shootout.                                                        my own opinion; I’ll keep
          Can Aubrey and Chad                                                          them to myself for the
          fight off Scott and Shane, or will someone             moment. I do see some changes coming for
          else jump in there and give them a run for             the new year; new leadership may be on the
          their money. Anyway, it’s going to be fun.             horizon. I hope all will take the time to con-
          Oh, I can’t wait for the banquet; it’s going to        sider nominating members that will work hard
          be great to fellowship with all you incredible         and smart for your club, to have the time and
          anglers. Thanks to all the sponsors for the            dedication it deserves and requires, and shares

          2020-2021 season. Without the sponsors, well,  the passion of “Family, Fishing, Fun.
          let’s say, we need and appreciate them. To the           Until next time, God speed and be safe on
          Board of Directors, fantastic job, each of you         the water.
          has overcome challenges and deserves a pat
          on the back.                                             Stephen Turner

             I don’t know how many years I’ve been do-             Weighmaster
          ing this now, but I know the last three seasons

                                24 - Adventures Magazine -Sardis Lake Spring 2021 Issue
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