Page 12 - 2021 Lake Washington Tournament Issue
P. 12

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
        Magnol   ia Cr appie Club     Adv entur es   Magazine
              Live-Scope is Changing Fishing in More Ways Than Just Tournaments!

                                        By Shane Johnson, Magnolia Crappie Club
            Hello, my name is Shane Johnson, from               individual conservation duty to protect our
          Madison, MS. I fish the Barnett Reservoir             crappie resources. I know that preserva-
          regularly. I’m a longtime member of the               tion will allow great fishing for the years to
          Magnolia Crappie Club, and I serve on the             come.
          weigh-in committee. I get to see every fish              There are numerous measures we can
          we weigh at our tournaments.                          or should consider. Things to consider are:
            I’m a pro-staffer for ACC Crappie Stix              what size to keep, how many total fish to
          and Freaky Franks. I’ve used the Garmin               keep, how many two- pounds or over 14
                                              LiveScope         inches, etc. As crappie enthusiasts, we must
                                              for 100’s         take on this responsibility ourselves and
                                              of hours.         encourage others to do the same.
                                              I’ve learned         Remember, every person has the privilege
                                              Crappie be-       (not the Right) to fish according to the state
                                              havior from       laws, so we
                                              this time on      must lead
                                              the wa-           by exam-
                                              ter. Finally,     ple. Proper
                                              I’m not a         manage-
                                              professional      ment is the
                                              writer, so        only way to
                                              bear with         preserve this
                                              my writing.       great pastime
                                                In today’s      of crappie
                                              world,            fishing. If you
                                              people not        like eating
          only are catching more fish (Crappie) with            Crappie, noth-
          Livescope; they are catching more of the              ing tastes
          larger ones. We all get excited when we are           better than
          catching fish, no doubt, that’s why we love           the 10” to 12”
          the sport of crappie fishing so much.                 fish. The flavor in the smaller fish is amaz-

            And man, when we catch big Crappie,                 ing.
          we get thrilled. It is so gratifying to catch            Some people enjoy showing off their
          a mess of large Crappie, whether it be the            catch on social media or just by texting
          heavy tug on the end of the line or seeing            pictures to friends. Showing your photos is
          the thick large body and mouth coming out             your privilege; there’s nothing wrong with
          of the water.                                         that. However, people could use the same
            As fishermen, we are taking on more                 tools (social-media and photographs) to
          responsibility now that we are Live-Scope             show them being released.  Some anglers
          users. We see more and more of the huge               are doing it already.
          slab Crappie caught at just about every lake             Catch and Release is our duty to show
          we fish. As anglers, we must start practicing         other anglers and our younger generation
          more and more “Catch and Release” to help             that we are willing to help preserve our
          preserve the resources.                               resources. The Bass guys showed us how it
             We can all make our own principles and             works. My partner and I return our Crappie
          protocols about what we should keep and               over 2 pounds back to the lake after pho-
          what we should be releasing. While we’re              tographing them. It makes you feel good
          waiting for evidence and data collected by            knowing you are part of the solution instead
          our Fishery Biologists, we must use our               of the problem. Shane

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