Page 21 - 2020 MCC Lake Washington Issue
P. 21
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Stephen Turner - Weighmaster
November, Lake Washington, and COLD. Thanks to Mr. Crappie for an amazing rod.
Congratulations to Rabbit and Pat on an awe-
some win with 11.67#’s. Hey they did it with a Okatibbee is up next, always a fun tourna-
new style of fishing for them, yep sitting side ment. I can’t wait to see you all in a couple of
by side. I hear rumors that they even have weeks.
live scope. Boy they stepped up and put the I can’t express how grateful I am to all the
whooping on us. As I spoke with Mr. Rabbit in parents that brought youth to fish with us.
the “Millennium” hot set, I commented on him Family, Fishing, and Fun is what Magnolia is all
being there before; he quickly reminded me about. Thanks again.
that this was the third time he and his partner
Mr Pat has sat in that chair this season. Thanksgiving is coming up. Be thankful for
Congratulations to what God has
done in your
Gene and Lisa Les- life, I sure am.
ter on a whopping Eat that turkey,
2.44# big fish to and let’s get to
claim the 1st place Okatibbee for
BMO Prize and 1st some more fun.
place Big Fish for the
Integrity was
regular tournament. once explained
65 boats regis- to me like this,
tered in the tour- “Integrity is
nament, several your actions
first-timers lots of when no one
youth. I do believe can see you.”
this is the largest Also integrity
registration for this is one of those
season. That all things that
goes to the great once it is lost, it
members of Magno- is hard to gain
lia Crappie Club. Pat again. I am
yourselves on the proud to a part
back, you deserve it. of an organiza-
Without your dedi- tion that holds
cation and commit- integrity at a
ment this club would high level and
not survive. You all to share that
are awesome. integrity with
Don’t forget about the Magnolia apparel, Mr. an awesome group of members. Remember
Pat and Mr. Rabbit work hard each tournament when you always do the right thing you can
to have it available to everyone. One added look at yourself in the mirror with high integ-
item is Lucas Oil 2-cycle engine oil. $25.00 a rity. Magnolia Crappie Club strives to hold its
gallon, that’s a deal. Thanks to Lucas Oil for integrity to the highest level, when or if its in-
their donation. tegrity is ever a question, the wisdom, knowl-
edge, and professionalism from the board
Oh yea, congratulations to my partner Ben members are dedicated to resolving the issue.
Pennington and me on breaking the top 15 for Thank a board member; these board members
the first time this season. Yes I finally listen work tirelessly to ensure each of you have a
to him, and it paid off. The day started very Fun, Professionally Run, Safe, Trusted, Well
slow; he started telling where to go and what Organized, and Definitely Fair tournament.
to do.....I’ll be listening to him more often.
And yes he caught most of the fish. Thanks As always, stay safe
Ben, for being persistent. Those Wally Marshall God Speed,
Sweet Sixteens sure showed the light bite.
Stephen Turner. Weigh Master
21 - Adventures Magazine - Lake Washington Issue