Page 20 - 2020 MCC Lake Washington Issue
P. 20
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
Even though it was a Championship Tournament will be
miserable cold and windy day, held at Ross Barnett this season. Our
the dedicated and tuff members Championship was made possible
of the Magnolia Crappie Club with sponsorship by the Ridgeland
put on a heck of a tournament Tourism Commission. Their support
at Lake Washington. We had will go a long way to make this year’s
65 teams fish, which included championship what it should be. But
seven new teams. Welcome to it will not do it alone. If you want to
all the new teams, and please have a championship as big as last
come back and invite your season then every member has to do
friends. I love to see our crappie their part and bring in sponsors.
fishing family grow. And that We have several sponsorships
is what MCC stands for. Family, that need renewing, and there are
Fishing, and Fun. countless potential sponsors out
Congratulations to Rab- there just waiting for you to bring
bit Rogers and Pat Jeffcoats on them into the MCC family. Every
their 3rd win this season. This sponsorship counts no matter how
team is making a run for the small. Please help us make this sea-
BnM Anglers of the Year. Con- son the best yet.
gratulations also to Gene and Lisa Lester for their Next, we’re headed to Okatibbee Lake. The
2.44 lb crappie to win the Big Mama Open. The Les- Okatibbee Tournament is always fun. Okatibbee
ters always bring in monster crappie, and this time it would be the perfect place to bring all the kids for
paid off big. some fun. They will catch a lot of fish!
We are halfway through our season, and it is Michael
time to start planning for the Championships. The
20 - Adventures Magazine - Lake Washington Issue