Page 24 - 2021 Okatibbee Tournament Issue
P. 24

Magnolia Crappie Clubia Crappie Club  AdventuresAdventures  MagazineMagazine

         Ok, I ask Don, what does that have to do with          it makes a balanced team. I never mention
       our fishing style? He says, “Sure I catch the            changing our positions anymore. I let him do
       majority of the fish, but I wouldn’t catch a fish        what he does best and I do what I do best. We
       if you didn’t put on the right jig size, right color     make a fantastic team in my opinion.
       bait and direct the boat in the right direction.           I personally don’t mind being either, the dumb
       If you put the jigs in the right location and at         or smart mule; leader or the follower. I’m that
       the right speed, all I have to do is reel in fish.       way in the club leadership. What I’m saying is
       When we get to the weigh-in, the fish are ours,          I’ve developed an attitude of teammates. Be-
       not mine or yours. We’re a team and there’s no           ing part of the team is much more important to
       ‘I’ in team.”  I couldn’t argue with that “Crystal       me than being the leader of the team. I realize
       Springs Logic”. It made sense and it’s something         that I’m responsible for our team and our club
       I’ll never forget.                                       success. When I give my best efforts, put ev-
                                                                           erything I got into it; then I’m satisfied
                                                                           with the outcome of my efforts.
                                                                             Another important secret to our
                                                                           success as a team and club leadership
                                                                           is discipline. We both know that no-
                                                                           body can discipline each of us except
                                                                           each of us. We used to listen to other
                                                                           fishermen; we wanted someone to tell
                                                                           us where the fish were and what we
                                                                           needed to do to catch them. We’ve
                                                                           learned the hard way that we had to
                                                                           put spend time on the water and find
                                                                           our own fish.
                                                                             Learning that fact helped us become
                                                                           more determined, dedicated and com-
                                                                           mitted to tournament fishing. It made
                                                                           us be more creative and imaginative;
                                                                           we now think outside the box and look
                                                                           for new ways to present our bait to the
                                                                           fish. We know what worked yesterday,
                                                                           last week, last month or last year; may
                                                                           or may not work today. Keeping this
                                                                           in mind allows us to quickly adjust our
                                                                           course of action and our game plan.
                                                                             Don and I believe in ourselves; we
                                                                           have a “We can attitude” whether we

       I’m by no means calling Don a dumb mule but              in the club leadership role or just plain fishing.
       the analogy of the story tells a lot. When you           We look beyond the negatives and see oppor-
       have a partner whether you’re fishing or doing           tunities in both our fishing and MCC. We don’t
       business together; you’ve got to use each oth-           gripe and complain, we’re just grateful to be
       er’s talents to the fullest. It’s the only way to        able to fish, enjoy our friends and the great out-
       progress. You have to complement each other;             doors. Don’s favorite saying is “Any day above
                                                                ground is a good day”. Bernard

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