Page 20 - 2021 Okatibbee Tournament Issue
P. 20

        Magnolia Crappie Clubia Crappie Club  AdventuresAdventures  MagazineMagazine
                          From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell

          If you want the weather to change, just            ster of crappie to win Big Fish of the tourna-
       plan a fishing tournament. Leading up to              ment. Good job, guys!
       the Okatibbee Lake tourna-                                         Thank you to our sponsors that
       ment, the weather had been                                      made this tournament possible: Du-
       beautiful. We had been going                                    ett Outdoors, Holiday Inn of Meridi-
       out, checking some spots, and                                   an, Lauderdale County Tourism, and
       were catching some nice fish,                                   the Pat Harrison Waterway District.
       just like the beautiful speck                                   Our sponsors are what keeps this
       that Parker showed off on                                       club functioning. Be sure to thank
       Facebook.                                                       them and continue to bring them

          Then, of course, when                                        your business.
       tournament weekend gets, we                                        Next, we are headed to Barnett.
       get rain and a cold, hard North                                 You better get out there and do
       wind. That changed every-                                       some pre-fishing. The big fish could
       thing. We could not get the big fish to bite.         be anywhere in November. They could come
       But as always, somebody figures out how to            from the middle of the lake or up the river
       catch them. No surprise when Terry Stewart            as far as Low Head Dam. You never know.
       end ups with the winning stringer. He is just
       hard to beat. And how about William and                    Michael
       Cameron Tyer. Cameron caught a 2.53 Mon-                  Michael Nowell, MCC President

                                 20 - Adventures Magazine - Okatibbee Lake 2021 Issue
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