Page 23 - 2021 Grenada Lake Big Mama Tournament Issue
P. 23

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                                                             Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                                                           appie Club

       Continued from page 17 ...........                       times and have a solution to live fish.  You
       Their new Crappie Rx is formulated to treat              can find their video from an ACT tournament
      the water and care for fish in many different             on Google that explains how they do it.  Their
      ways. Not all treatments are equal, and Sure-             practice includes bags of ice and water treat-
      Life is a step above the others. Another simple          ment and the lake water to maintain the cooler
      thing is to keep the Livewell full of water. The         temperature to ensure the fish stay healthy.
      fuller the Livewell, the more Oxygen they’ll               I love the way Vic Finkley, Mississippi Out-
      have and less water movement when traveling.             doors Hall of Fame recipient, puts it.  When I
      The quality coolers used by many tournament              asked him about keeping fish alive, he had a
      fishermen not only maintain better tempera-              simple statement, “I fill up my Livewell, put a
      ture control but they can be                                          frozen milk jug of water in there,
      filled to the top eliminating                                         and just go fishing; I never had an
      most sloshing when motoring                                           issue with keeping fish alive.”
      and therefore have fewer beat-                                          Well, there you have it, some love
      up fish.”                                                             it, some hate it; it is a change for
       That is some great informa-                                          some and not so much for others.
      tion to incorporate into “Keep-                                         As our club was founded on Fam-
      ing Fish Alive.”  I know many of                                      ily, Fishing, and Fun, don’t let this
      you have your ways of tackling                                        change your mind; get your Family
      the job of keeping fish alive;                                        involved, teach your younger an-
      for me, it will be a new experi-                                      glers the importance of “Keeping
      ence, coming from catching fish and throwing             Fish Healthy & Alive.”
      in a cooler full of ice to ensure the fish are
      alive and healthy bring challenge.  As tourna-             One last quote from Dannemueller, “Preserv-
      ment anglers, we must adapt to change.                   ing our sport is the responsibility of everyone
                                                               involved. It’s essential to care for and preserve
       Dan does not use bags of ice; another legend            our waters for fishermen today and for future
      in the crappie tournament trail Ronnie Capps             generations.
      and Steve Coleman has a different approach.                Stephen Turner, WeighMaster
      These guys have been around the block a few

                              23 - Adventures Magazine -Grenada Lake Spring 2021 Issue
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