Page 31 - 2022 Eagle Lake Tournament Issue
P. 31
Magnol ia Cr appie Club Adv entur es Magazine
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
The Eagle Lake Big Mama tournament turned out The Board of Directors met and made a final deci-
to be a great tournament. sion on the Championships. We
I was worried as the will fish Friday on Sardis Lake.
pre-fishing that week had And we will fish Saturday on
been tuff. Multiple people Grenada Lake. Our awards ban-
had talked about fishing quet will be Thursday evening
all day and never catching in Grenada. We will be working
a fish. But thank the Lord, on all the logistics. And once
we were lucky to have we get everything worked out,
some beautiful weather we will provide you with all the
tournament day, and the details.
fish were ready to bite.
Next, we are headed to Gre-
After such a tuff week, nada Lake. Grenada will be our
it was great to see the ma- 2nd Big Mama Open this sea-
jority of the 54 teams bring son. Grenada’s water level is on
their seven fish limits to the the rise, and soon the crappie
scales. And man, did the will be headed to those favorite
big weights start rolling in. places we all like to chase them
in the spring. Be sure to tell all your friends and
All 3 of the Big Mama winners weighed three neighbors. Bring someone new and introduce them
pounders. It took over 15 pounds to make the Top to our fishing family. It would be great to make this
5. And 17.50 pounds for the winner. WOW! That was our biggest tournament yet!
an awesome tournament! Thank you to everyone
who turned out to support this event and make it a Sore Lip Them All
31 - Adventures Magazine - MCC Eagle Lake 2022 Issue