Page 16 - 2021 Barnett Fall Tournament Issue
P. 16

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine

                                 Paula Nowell - Secretary / Treasurer

              Once again, Barnett wind was brutal, but              A BIG SHOUT OUT TO ACADEMY

         as  always, our Magno-                                                       SPORTS FOR SPONSOR-
         lia Crappie Club teams                                                       ING OUR YOUTH AN-
         never cease to amaze                                                         GLERS THIS SEASON!!!
         me with their crappie                                                             The youth are close
         catching skills.                                                             to my heart; I love see-
              Congratulations                                                         ing kids participate. I’ll

         to Terry & Cole Stew-                                                        do everything in my
         art once again on an                                                         power to see that our
         outstanding win. A big                                                       youth get recognition.
         shout-out goes out to                                                        We want them to pick
         Parker and Jason Eichu-                                                      up where we leave off
         wurtzle, Stephen Sulli-                                                      and continue promoting
         van, and Jamie Rober-                                                        this sport we all love so
         son. These three teams                                                       much.
         are on fire this season.                                                          Next up is Sardis

              Congratulations to ALL THE TEAMS THAT  Lake, it should be a lot of fun!!!
         FISHED!!!!! Thank you to All our members                   May God Bless Each and Everyone!!!
         & SPONSORS; without each other, we would                   Paula
         not be the Best Crappie Club in America.

                                   16 - Adventures Magazine - Barnett Fall 2021 Issue
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