Page 29 - 2021 Lake Washington Tournament Issue
P. 29


                                                                           appie Club
                                                                      ia Cr
                                                             Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                      Stephen Turner - Weighmaster
           First and for most, thanks to all the mem-          attitudes, and great personalities.
        bers of the Magnolia                                                      Special thanks to Washing-
        Crappie Club. You                                                      ton County convention and vis-
        guys, gals, and youth                                                  itor bureau, Factory Furniture,
        are freaking awesome.                                                  Roy’s Store, B-n-M poles, and
        Saturday, February 27,                                                 Visit Mississippi. Our sponsors
        was overwhelmingly                                                     keep this club alive and able
        exciting. Fifty-four                                                   to enjoy these great fisheries.
        teams embarked upon                                                    Back-to-back tournaments,
        Lake Washington, and                                                   I believe, are the first-ever
        boy did this fishery                                                   for MCC. Thanks again to the
        produce. Congratu-                                                     members for understanding
        lations to Shane and                                                   supporting the club. Grenada is
        Scott on their first ev-                                               up next with a BMO. Let’s do it
        ery big win. You guys                                                  again.
        are going to be some
        to watch. We have                                                         Stephen Turner
        some great guys, great

                                29 - Adventures Magazine - Lake Washington 2021 Issue
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