Page 31 - 2022 Sardis Tournament Issue
P. 31

appie Club
                                                                      ia Cr
                                                             Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine


                             From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
           Remember this number. 18. 18 degrees is how          Saturday, if the weather had been better the weights
        cold it was Saturday morning at Sardis. The boat        would have been off the charts.
        ramp became iced over. Boats were frozen to trail-
        ers. Our gear shifter was frozen up and took a lot        Thank you to our local sponsors who helped to
        of persuasions before we could even head out on         make this tournament a success. Nana’s Bait Shop,
        the lake. I even heard someone’s boat slid off their    Cafe Ole’, Sardis Army Corp of Engineers, Panola
        trailer onto the boat ramp. This cold front had us all   County Tourism, and Visit Oxford. Also thank you
        bundled up and were not sure                                            to all our corporate sponsors who
        if the fish would even bite. And                                        make it possible for us to continue
        to our amazement,                                                       to bring such a competitive tour-
                                                                                nament trail all season. Be sure to
           Sardis was the biggest                                               remember our sponsors and give
        tournament of the season so                                             them your business and support.
        far. 68 teams came out to brave
        the cold and battle it out to see                                          Next up we are headed to Eagle
        who could bring in the heaviest                                         Lake in February. Those big ole
        stringer of crappie. Remember                                           girls should be getting ready for
        that number? Well, 18 pounds                                            the spawn and we could see even
        is basically what it took to win                                        bigger weights at this tournament.
        this tournament. 3 teams had                                            We will have registration at the
        over 17 pounds! The heaviest                                            Lo Sto Friday evening. Even if you
        being the 1st time team of TJ Shands and Megan          have prepaid your entry, come on by and get you
        Boyd with 17.58 pounds.                                 something hot to eat and hang out with us.

           Think about this. Some teams had over 15               Sore Lip Them All
        pounds that did not even make the Top 15 to get a         Michael
        check. WOW! Sardis is loaded with Massive crappie
        right now. And from what I saw on the Livescope

                                   31 - Adventures Magazine - MCC Sardis 2022 Issue
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