Page 25 - 2021 Sardis Lake Tournament Issue
P. 25

ia Cr
                                                                           appie Club

                                                             Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine

                                Paula Nowell - Secretary / Treasurer
            Congratulations to Hayden and Dan                and still not missing a single tourna-
       Jeffries for their win on Sardis. The                 ment is a significant feat.
       Jeffries has become superb Livescopers.                    My main concern at this point is the
       I enjoy seeing our youth take up our                  Championship Entry Fee. If you’re in the
       crappie fishing sport.                                                         Top-50 in the B’n’M
       It means that the                                                              Angler of the Year,
       sport will continue to                                                         you qualify. If you
       grow and prosper.                                                              do not plan to fish

            We’ve almost                                                              the championship
       reached the end of                                                             and you’re in the
       our season. It’s been                                                          Top-50, please let
       another excellent                                                              us know so we can
       year. Lots of new                                                              bump down to the
       members and kids                                                               next team. We plan
       have joined us. I’ve                                                           to carry 50 teams to
       made it my mission                                                             Sardis and Enid.
       to see that our youth                                                              Please mail your
       and male/female                                                                $200 entry fee to
       teams receive prizes                                                           Magnolia Crappie
       for their participa-                                                           Club, 3616 Kim
       tion. Hat’s off to Trae                                                        Drive, Lauderdale,
       McWilliams for his                                    MS 39335.
       dedication. I can’t remember the last                      Good Luck To All!
       tournament Trae has missed. He is one
       tough kid. Going through two surgeries                     Paula

                               25 - Adventures Magazine - Sardis Lake Spring 2021 Issue
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