Page 3 - 2020 MCC Sardis Issue
P. 3

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                              Sardis in the winter can be hit-     huge stringers come out of Grenada.
                                            or-miss fishing, all you need is a     Twenty-pound stringers are not un-
         PUBLISHER                          cold-front, high-pressure or a win-    common for Grenada in the spring.
         Michael Nowell                     ter-time rain. The fish will turn off   It will take some work and practice
         President                          like a faucet. That’s what happened    to do good on Grenada, but it can
                                            on Saturday, February 1st. Pre-fish-   happen.
         EDITOR                             ing was excellent. Huge strings of            We had seventy-three (73)
                                            2-pound-plus crappie. That’s the
         Bernard Williams                   Sardis, I know. Ask any of the locals,   boats fish our Sardis tournament.
         Vice-President                     Sardis can be brutal in the winter.    That’s amazing; it’s a new club
                                                                                   record. I can remember when we
                                              I can remember several years ago;    broke the fifty (50) boat limit. We
         WRITERS                            you could catch a double limit before   were in awe, no way in the world a
         Michael Nowell,                    9 am. Vic Finkley says, “I hated to    little on crappie club from Central
         President                          go up there, could stay long before    MS could draw 50 boats, but we did
                                            I’d have my 15 fish limit.” Now,       it. I see nothing but growth for us
         Paula Nowell,                      Vic, that’s a good problem to have.    in the future. It doesn’t’ matter how
         Secretary/Treasurer                Nobody had that                             many boats we grow to in the
                                            problem Saturday.                           future; we’re still going to be a
         Stephen Turner,                      What most fish-                           family-oriented club. Our kids
         Weigh-Master                       ermen don’t under-                          are what matters, they’re our
                                            stand is, on tourna-                        future and we’ll continue to put
         Rabbit Rogers                      ment day, when you                          them first.
         Charter Member                     have 30 to 40 boats                           Please remember, we have
                                            in a location, each                         a Big Mama Open in conjunc-
         PHOTOGRAPHER                       boat with two or                            tion with our regular-season
         Bernard Williams                   more depth finders                          tournament. Our BMO’s are
                                            beeping. That causes the fish to       the only fundraiser we have for
         Contact us at:                     get spooky. Spooky fish are fearful;   our end of season Championship
         magnoliacrappieclub@gmail.         they’re not in the biting mood. I try   Tournament. The more participants
                                            my best to avoid areas with high       the more we fish for at the end of
                                            boat traffic. My question is, would    the year. So if you don’t enter the
         MCC Adventures Magazine            you be hungry and comfortable on       BMO, then don’t complain about the
         is publication of Magnolia
         Crappie Club. No portion may       the front row at a rock concert? I     Championship Payouts.
         be reproduced without written      counted 54 boats around the Les-              We have rules in place to
         permission. @Copyright 2019        pedsa area.                            make sure everyone gets a fair

                                              The Livescopers caught fish; they    chance in our tournaments. It takes
         Photographs can be pur-
         chased from Magnolia Crappie       targeted specific fish and placed      our entire group to make sure every-
         Club upon request.                 their bait on the nose of the fish.    one follows the rules. So, if you see
                                            Grenada Lake Charters Guide, Carlos    something, say something. Take a
         See our website for mem-           Willis, says, “On Friday, I could have   photo; pictures don’t lie. Our tour-
         bership,rules or tournament        weighed almost 15 pounds and I         nament officials will follow through
         schedules at:                      didn’t fish them hard. Saturday was    with each protest submitted.
                                            like a different day. The fish was a          It’s only three tournaments
                                            lot shallower and a lot more spooky.   left in the 2020 season. We’re taking
                                            I had to put the bait on their nose to   the top-50 to the Championship.
                                            get a bite.”                           Any team that near the 50th place in
                                              The next lake on our schedule        the B’n’M AOY Points Race needs to
                                            is Big Bad Grenada, “Home of the       fish hard and not miss any tourna-
                                            Three-Pound Crappie.” Springtime on    ments.
                                            Grenada is one of the most sought             Thank you for your participa-
                                            after lakes in the country. It also    tion, be safe, be courteous, and my
                                            can be a hit-or-miss lake. I’ve seen   God bless and keep you. Bernard

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