Page 29 - 2020 MCC Sardis Issue
P. 29
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From the Rabbit Hole - Rabbit Rogers
Another Wintertime Tournament
Pre-fishing Sardis on a bitter cold, I watched a 14-year old (Parker
cloudy day and discovering a seasoned Eichwurtzle) make us look mighty bad.
fisherman didn't wear enough clothes. After the tournament, he said, "I used
I have a saying, "You can always take a 1/4 ounce jig head and wormed on
them off." Somehow I didn't follow my a minnow to catch our 15 tournament
rules (amnesia). fish". His dad Jason
Thankfully it was didn't fish at all but
a calm day or I would run down the
would have frozen fish with the trolling
to deaf. I had more motor. Believe me;
clothes in the room Parker knows how to
and layered up the fish!
next day. I think it's
10 degrees colder I've said, "There is
on the water than no substitute for expe-
standing on the rience," but now, at 78
bank. years old, it looks like
technology has over-
I have several taken experience.
questions following
the Sardis tourna- What you do when
ment. How do you you have a bad tour-
go from hero to nament (you do what
zero? Why were the losers do). You
fish so shallow and wait until this next
almost quit biting tournament. I'll show
Saturday? Where were the big fish? My you! It will be pre-spawn, full-spawn,
best question is, how can the Livescope and post-spawn at out next three tour-
Panoptic fishermen target a fish and naments (Grenada-Barnett-Grenada). I
that fish will bite? I can only write about can't wait!
what I see.
Good Luck!
29 - Adventures Magazine - Sardis Lake Issue