Page 29 - 2023 Grenada Lake Fall Issue
P. 29
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Magnol ia Cr appie Club Adv entur es Magazine
501.753.7351 |
Lowrance, Humminbird, Minnkota, Interstate Batteries, Monster Marine Lithium Batteries, Dakota Lithium Batteries, JL Marine (Power Poles), Sea Clear Power Wiring Harnesses,
Balz Out Mounts, Bass Boat Technologies Mounts, Beatdown Outdoors Products, Dub L Seat, Cornfield Crappie Gear, Motorguide,
Authorized Service for: Lowrance, Garmin, Minnkota, Humminbird, Motorguide, Certified Garmin Installer, Minnkota Installer, Lowrance Installer
Two tournaments are in, and the con- years.
sensus is; Team Jeffries is on fire again! Please adhere to our rules; bring
Congratulations to Dan and Hayden on seven fish to the weigh table, 12-inch
their wins on Wolf and Grenada. fish on COE Lakes and 10-inch fish on
Let me all other
introduce lakes. No
myself; I cellular
am John commu-
Ratcliff, and nications
happy to about fish-
be the new ing during
Weigh-Mas- tourna-
ter for MCC. ment
My wife, hours,
Jennifer, is wear your
my fishing life jackets
partner; we when run-
have been ning your
crappie big motor,
fishing since and report
we were 19 any viola-
yrs old. We tion you
fished our see to the
first MCC tourna-
tournament in our twenties, and it is ment director.
astonishing to see how the club has Now on to our third stop, Lake Wash-
grown since then. ington. Hope to see everyone there.
MCC has some of the best crappie Safe travels. I am looking forward to
fishermen and competition that you will weighing your best 7!
see anywhere. Many of our club mem-
bers are placing in the top of the na- John Ratcliff
tional circuits. It is good to see how far
crappie fishing has progressed over the
29 - Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Grenada Lake Issue