Page 29 - 2021 Eagle Lake Tournament Issue
P. 29
ia Cr
appie Club
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Stephen Turner - Weighmaster
Boy, what a day. Special thanks to Warren County, the City this tournament. With a tournament being held the weekend be-
of Vicksburg, and Visit Mississippi for being our sponsors for the fore and all the pressure put on the lake. Even though our team
Eagle Lake Tournament. Without these only could haul in one tournament fish, it
sponsors, we could not have these great shows the professional fishing of MCC teams.
tournaments. It shows the talent of fishermen/fisherwom-
COVID........ugh hate hearing this en; 37 of the 52 teams weighed fish, that’s
word, but unfortunately, it is still here. 70% of the field. Wow, you guys, gals, and
Thanks for helping with the mitigation youth are freaking awesome, and it makes
rules for our tournaments. As we move me proud that you allow me to a part of it.
forward, please understand that mask Hats off to MCC’s board of directors and
and social distancing of 6ft is request- every member that has brought in the spon-
ed. Magnolia Crappie Club is always sors. Each of you makes this club great.
welcomed to these city’s and lakes; we Five tournaments down and five to go.
should do our part to help reduce the The B-n-M Angler of the Year Points Race is
spread of this virus. topped with Team Stewart, followed by the
What a return the Moody’s made, team of Storey/Rogers with only 13 points.
and what better place than Eagle Lake, 16lbs. Congratulations Up next is Lake Washington on February 13th. I can’t wait to do
welcome back, and it was sure a pleasure to see Mr. Rick doing it all again..
so well. Until then, God Speed
Fifty-two boats, what an outcome, I was very optimistic about
Stephen Turner. Weigh Master
29 - Adventures Magazine - Eagle Lake 2021 Issue