Page 3 - 2021 Classic Championship Tournament Issue
P. 3
appie Club
ia Cr
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Cheers to our MCC Members for Open on Eagle Lake sponsored by
finishing another season under the City of Vicksburg and Visit Mis-
PUBLISHER the COVID Pandemic. It’s been sissippi. We’ve never had a major
Michael Nowell a significant adjustment to deal support step forward for Eagle Lake
President with a deadly virus and enjoy our like Vicksburg, and MS Tourism did
comrade. I enjoy our group, from for the coming year.
EDITOR the kids to the elderly. We have an Congratulations to Jeremy and
incredible group. It’s been that way
Bernard Williams for 30 years. Clint for their 2nd MCC Champion-
Vice-President ship win. I don’t care what nobody
Our Board of says; these guys
Directors meet a can catch fish.
WRITERS week or so after the They are superb
Michael Nowell, championship and ambassadors
President made a few rule to the crappie
changes. The most fishing world. I
Paula Nowell, significant change see great things
Secretary/Treasurer was allowing dead in their future.
fish to be weighed. Jeremy and Clint
Stephen Turner, Our thinking was have two young
Weigh-Master that if your fish boys that I’m
PHOTOGRAPHER dies at the end of a sure will follow
Bernard Williams tournament, it’s not in dad’s foot-
Samantha McWilliams fair to discard the steps.
fish. Go ahead and My hats off
Contact us at: weigh the fish with to Michael and
magnoliacrappieclub@gmail. a penalty. The Bass Paula Nowell;
com guys have done this they’ve held this
for years. club together during a pandemic
MCC Adventures Magazine Another change we implemented and helped grow it during lean
is publication of Magnolia is with the sponsorship program.
Crappie Club. No portion may times.
be reproduced without written For each $300 in sponsorship you Fundraising is an art; you’ve got
permission. @Copyright 2021 bring, you get a free tournament
Photographs can be pur- entry fee. We see this as a great to play the game by the letter of
chased from Magnolia Crappie incentive to add new sponsors. the law. Every penny has to be
Club upon request. accounted for, and the books have
Please remember that we can’t to be in order. I commend Paula for
advertise for another rod company;
See our website for mem- keeping us legal all these years. It’s
bership,rules or tournament B’n’M has a sponsor exclusive. no fun keeping up with a large sum
schedules at: We set an excellent schedule. We of money coming from many sourc-
tried to move the dates around to es. She does it with a breeze.
take advantage of the spawn on Please, keep encouraging the
our big lakes. We can’t control the youth to fish with us. We need
weather, especially in the spring. them to continue for another 30
We can set our tournament dates years. Last but not least, keep pray-
when we think the lakes are at their ing for our safety on and off the
prime. water. See you at Wolf Lake.
Since the major circuits cut their Be Blessed,
tournament down, we didn’t have
to worry about scheduling conflicts. Bernard
We also scheduled a Big Mama
3 - Adventures Magazine - MCC Championship 2021 Issue