Page 27 - 2021 Classic Championship Tournament Issue
P. 27

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                                                             Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                          From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
       What a way to end the season. This season has              it. Thank you to Chickasaw Hill Lodge for provid-
    been a challenge all the way through. From dealing            ing a great venue for us. Be sure to keep them in

    with Covid, water levels, ramp construction, and the          mind when you need a place to stay or when you
    weather. Why would the Championship be any differ-            or planning your big event in the area. A big thank
    ent. I took off the whole week so I could pre-fish both       you to the Batesville Civitan Club for providing such
    lakes. I needed it to have a fighting chance against          a wonderful meal. They do so much for the Bates-
    our talented group of anglers. About 30 minutes after         ville community. I would also like to thank Oxford
    I hit the water mid-day Monday, the first thunderstorm        Tourism for sponsoring our tournament. We would
    came rolling in. And as we all know, they did not stop        be lost without great sponsors like Oxford. Take a

    the entire week. I think I got in about 3 hours on Enid       Saturday and go visit Oxford. You may be surprised
    the entire week. I was NOT going                                               at how much the city has to offer.
    out on Sardis with the weather                                                   Now it’s time to enjoy the sum-
    that was forecasted. I can deal                                                mer break. The 2021-2022 season

    with rain and some wind. But                                                   will kick off in August. The Board of
    Lightning is nothing to play with!                                             Directors have made a few adjust-
    I am just glad everybody made it                                               ments for this next season. Our
    through the week safely.                                                       goals with these adjustments are to

       As a result of mother nature’s                                              increase interest and participation
    gift, the lakes were changed                                                   in our tournaments, increase par-
    dramatically. I think Enid rose                                                ticipation in our sponsorship pro-

    at least 6 feet and Sardis rose                                                gram, and to improve our weigh-in
    at least 12 feet with a mudline                                                process. We are working to keep
    running right down the middle of                                               our club fun and rewarding for
    them. It would have been fun to have nice weather           EVERYONE. We want everyone back next season. And
    and spent the week catching lots of fish. I think we all    please, bring your friends. Bring the kids! We love to
    would have enjoyed that. But this was the Champion-         see the youth get involved in our sport. If anyone has

    ship. And I think it was fitting for it to be a challenge.   sponsors or contacts that can do something extra for
    Challenges make your achievements that much more            the youth, please get them involved. I would love to
    sweeter. Congratulations to the winners and all the         see our Youth Division grow.
    teams who fought the tuff conditions to battle it out         Everyone enjoy your summer and we look forward
    for the well deserved prizes.                               to seeing you next season. Untill then...

         It was so nice to finally be able to get together        God Bless and Sore Lip em All!

      for our Awards Banquet. It was fun to have time to
      see and talk to everyone. I hope everyone enjoyed           Michael

                               27 - Adventures Magazine - MCC Championship 2021 Issue
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