Page 39 - 2020 MCC Classic Championship Issue
P. 39
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Stephen Turner - Weighmaster
Definition of Champion: A person who has defeat- and members for making this the best club around.
ed or surpassed all rivals in a completion. This year is a wrap and the new season is already
That is also the Definition of Kody and Randy underway. Don’t forget to send in your membership
Hamilton. With a two day total of 22.08lbs and only dues to Paula or bring them to the registration at Wolf
.53lb difference between the runner ups of James Lake.
Morris and Ryan Cox. Congratulations. Not to mention Want to thank the Yazoo CVB for their sponsor-
the huge 2.17lb big fish of ship of the Wolf Lake Tournament
Jeremy Aldridge and Clint on August 22, 2020. The lake has
Egbert. been on fire, should be some good
All the teams that fished fish caught. We are working on a
the two-day championship couple of options for boat launch
are considered winners and parking, and Baptist Hospital of
in my book. Personally, I Yazoo has agreed to let us weigh-
hope we never fish Barnett in on their sizeable open lot at the
in August again did corner of Hwy 49 and Broadway.
not catch a weigh fish for The corner lot will give us plenty of
four (4) days….or maybe it’s room to conduct a safe live weigh-in
just me. and stay within the City/County ordi-
nance of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Congratulations to all
the teams and winners, the Also, don’t forget to mark your
youth, Male/Female Team of calendars October 30th-November
the year, Rookie Team of the 1st for the Crappie Expo 2020 at the
Year and the overall Points Branson Convention Center. MCC will
BnM Angler of the Year. have a booth, come by and see us.
I have to say this year has shown some obstacles May God bless each of you and keep you safe.
and the board has done a great job at moving the Stephen Turner, MCC Weigh-Master
club forward. I’m looking forward to seeing what
happens in the next year. Sure do hate we did not
get to have a banquet, I know all the members like to
fellowship with each other. Thanks to all the sponsors
39 - Adventures Magazine - 2020 Championship Issue