Page 23 - 2020 MCC Classic Championship Issue
P. 23
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
From The Presidents Desk - Michael Nowell
What a way to end the season. The Cham- fully, we will soon be back to some sense of
pionship Tournament on Ross Barnett was normal. Also, some of our members have lost
a battle! We battled against a tuff bite. We dear loved ones. Please keep them in your
battled against the heat. But most of all, we thoughts and prayers.
battled against the relentless wind! It was Unfortunately, this season also brought
hard and downright dangerous for those brave us the passing of one of our most beloved
enough to battle it out on the open waters of members. Mr. A E Smith. Mr. A E was a great
the main lake. My hats are off to you guys. fisherman. But better than that, he was a pro-
You really put a whooping on us in some of found Fisher of Men. He was a friend to every-
the worst conditions Barnett could throw at one he met, and I miss him immensely.
you. Congratulations to all the
teams who managed just to Now it is time to get ready for
catch some fish. You are all the new season. It will kick off
winners in my eyes. August 22nd at Wolf Lake in his-
toric Yazoo City, MS. I know a lot
As the season comes to a of you are concerned about the
close, I look back over the last new Live Fish rule. It can be chal-
12 months and everything we lenging to keep fish alive under
have been through. We set challenging conditions. But with a
multiple records this season. little preparation, everyone should
We had a record-breaking turn be able to do it. Make sure your
out for the Sardis tournament. live wells are working correctly.
Seventy-three teams for just Keep the water in them cool and
a regular club tournament in circulated. Don’t put too many
February. Wow! That’s amaz- fish in your live wells at any one
ing! We brought in a record time. If you are not sure what to
amount of sponsors. We paid do, ask for help from your fellow members.
out more in total prizes throughout the sea- You know the ones that their fish are always
son. I am not sure if it was a record, but we trying to jump out of the weigh basket no
had more Youth at our tournaments than I matter how HOT it is.
can remember before. I really love that! And
of course who could ever forget Terra and Ter- As we start up the new season, be sure to
ry Stewart’s record-breaking weight of 21.17 reconnect with your sponsors. Let them know
pounds for a seven fish limit. Wow! What a how much we appreciate them and keep them
season! active with us. Invite your friends to come to
join us. The club is growing and doing better
But we have also been through some try- than ever. Let’s keep it growing and share our
ing times. The Covid-19 pandemic completely love for crappie fishing and fellowship with
shut us down for a while. But through patients friends.
and dedication to follow the guidelines, we are
back to fishing, and with lots of prayers hope- Michael Nowell, MCC President
23 - Adventures Magazine - 2020 Championship Issue