Page 15 - 2023 Barnett Fall Issue
P. 15
ia Cr
appie Club
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
I Told You So – The Jeffries are Three-TimeNational Champions!!!
by Bernard Williams, Outdoor Writer
When I first met Dan Jeffries, I knew he They started winning everything we had with
and Hayden were special. Then Live Scope Magnolia Crappie Club (B’n’M Angler of the
comes along, and Hayden dedicates all his Year, seven out of 10 club tournaments, and
free time to learning it. What can you expect the MCC Club Championship) and winning
when you three National Cham-
put a young pionships in less than
man with four weeks. Hayden
a burning and Dan have been
desire to phenomenal.
be the very Hayden and Dan
best, who have won the Crap-
grew up pie Masters National
competing Championship on
in every Grenada Lake Grena-
sport in da, Mississippi, and
school, in American Crappie Trail
the woods, Nation Championship
and on the on the Ouachita River
lake, against in Monroe, Louisi-
two broth- ana. To top that off,
ers, friends, Hayden & Dan went
and cous- up to Branson, Mis-
ins? souri, and won the
Hayden Mr. Crappie $300,000
and Dan Invitational on Table
have per- Rock Lake and picked
fected our up a $100,000 check.
sport of Ladies and gentlemen,
crappie we’ve seen history
fishing. I made.
listen to him The Crappie Masters
intently. They focus on the small things. They win was by 3 pounds; they led from start to
know their precise weight at all times. They finish. At the American Crappie Trail Cham-
can pattern fish exceptionally quickly. Hayden pionship, they won by 3+ pounds, and now
knows when to drop on a fish. Hayden says, at the Crappie Expo Invitational, they won
“The fewer times you drop on a fish, the less by 1.5+ pounds, where a 2-pound fish was
you school it on what you’re trying to do. Fish a huge fish. In the fishing game, we call that
adapt; crappie naturally get smarter in order not even close.
to survive. They know when something is I am so proud of these guys; they’re home-
town guys who did what nobody else had
Excuse me; this article is not about how done. I’ve rewritten this piece three times.
they fish but what they have accomplished.
15 - Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Lake Washington Issue