Page 2 - 2022 Barnett Fall Tournament Issue
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Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
        Magnol   ia Cr appie Club     Adv entur es   Magazine
                                           We’re one tournament away from        to this club. Seeing young kids grow
                                         being halfway through the season.       from little ones to teens then to men
         PUBLISHER                       Barnett was adventurous, tough, and     and women is all the pay I want.
         Michael Nowell                  rewarding for some. Team Jeffries,
                                                                                   Fishing tournaments are always
         President                       Hayden, and Dan did it again. It’s not   challenging, we had something happen
                                         like it was a surprise, they’re tough to   to us Saturday morning that I’ve never
         EDITOR                          beat on any lake and Barnett is their   seen before. Don’s Ranger Trailer broke
         Bernard Williams                home lake. Hayden and Dan grew up       where the swing away connects. We
         Vice-President                  fishing there. It’s not much you can    turned into Tommy’s and got out, low
                                         tell them about the Rez. When you’ve    and behold the tongue was broken and
                                         located 30+ brush piles all over the    almost dragging the ground. I have
         WRITERS                         lake, all you got to do is find out what’s
         Michael Nowell,                 on the crappie food                     to say thank you to Bob, Bill, David,
                                                                                             Lance, Aubrey, Chad, and
         President                       menu.                                               my cousin Antoine for
                                           According to                                      coming to our rescue.
         Paula Nowell,                   Hayden, it was a
         Secretary/Treasurer                                                                   My first question to Don
                                         combination of min-                                 was what are we going to
                                         nows and jigs. The                                  do? He said we’re going
         PHOTOGRAPHER                    Jeffries guys are not                               fishing, we’ll worry about
         Bernard Williams                above using live bait,                              that at 2 pm. I called my
                                         I can’t blame them                                  cousin and asked him to
         Contact us at:                  for using everything                                bring a tractor pin, Bill
         magnoliacrappieclub@gmail.      legal to catch the                                  and Bob loaned me a
         com                             huge slabs. Hayden                                  floor jack, we jacked it up
                                         swears by the South-                                and put a pin in where it
         MCC Adventures Magazine         ern Chase Crappie                                   had sheered the old pin
         is publication of Magnolia      Jigs. They look awe-
         Crappie Club. No portion may                                                        and we headed down
         be reproduced without written   some, I’ve never used them but I think   the Trace as nothing had happened. It
         permission. @Copyright 2022     that’s going to be another item for me   did not affect Don the entire day, on
         Photographs can be pur-         to spend my money on.                   the other hand, I could not focus. I
         chased from Magnolia Crappie
         Club upon request.                Hayden has another excellent coach    only caught 1 fish, Don caught 11. It’s
                                         besides Dan, veteran long-liner Brad    called T-e-a-m-w-o-r-k.
         See our website for mem-        Chappell. Hayden works for Brad in        Special thanks to the Ridgeland Tour-
         bership,rules or tournament     his assembly business. They’re around
         schedules at:                   each other daily when Hayden’s not      ism Commission, PRVWSD, and the     in school at Mississippi College. That   Reservoir Police Department for all they
         Follow us on Facebook &         makes three jobs Hayden has, school,    did to make our tournament successful.
         Twitter:                        work, and fishing. I think the fishing is   Thanks to Pelican Cove Restaurant and
         @MSCrappieClub                  paying as much as the assembly job.     its staff for our registration venue. We
                                                                                 looked like a big-time fishing group,
                                           Hayden and Dan are easy to talk       all the boats, contestants, and specta-
                                         to, they’re very humble and down to     tors.
                                         earth. Dan and Mrs. Jeffries have done    It’s on to Okatibbee, lets show our
                                         an excellent job of raising those boys. I   support for the Lauderdale Tourism
                                         have tremendous admiration for young    Commission, Visit Meridian, and the
                                         men that pulls their pants above their   merchants in Meridian. This lake is full
                                         butts, respect their elders, and don’t   of fish, any technique you choose to
                                         mind working for a living. MCC is full   fish should be productive. See y’all at
                                         of those types of kids. It’s one of the   the lake. Bernard
                                         reasons I don’t mind giving my services

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