Page 4 - 2020 Barnett Issue
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Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Magnolia Crappie Club - Barnett I & II - Big Fish!!!
It’s a brand new season for MCC, 2020 Season, 27 Gold Sponsorship, it’s the ideal advertisement for your
years of Family, Fishing, and Fun. Thank you to all the business, and you get all your entry fees paid for the
charter members. Each year we start with new faces and year. You also get 4 half-page ads, logo on the trailer,
2020 is no different. Ridgeland Tourism was in awe at you linked logo on our website and quarterly social me-
the number of fishing teams and guests we had that our dia posts. A case in point, Jimmy Ayers, from Kentucky
two-day tournaments. We had lots of new local teams as gave us a Gold Sponsorship for his company, Adams
well as out-of-towners. It’s probably our largest 1st tour- Gas in Adams, TN, now he’s in that group of members
nament field in club history. I can’ t along with Arkansas “Bob” Robinson
verify that but I can say in my 12 to with Robinson Electric. This is the 2nd
13 years of fishing, it’s the largest year for Bob. Troy Garrett with Factory
crowd I’ve seen. Direct Furniture gave us $16,500 in gift
Speaking of domination, Rabbit certificates. When you see these guys,
Rogers and Pat Jeffcoats showed please thank them for their support.
us how to take a single jig pole and On to Enid, fishing should be
catch huge fish. Nobody on earth, excellent. Should be excellent for any
in my opinion, knows more about style of fishing. The fish are fat and
Barnett than these two legends. It’s full. The City of Batesville is sponsor-
no wonder these guys are Hall-of- ing this event, be sure to stay and eat
Famers. I hear they caught 40+ in Batesville if possible. Don’t forget,
fish on Friday and 25+ on Saturday. September 21st, we’ll be at Enid with
Rabbit wrote an article for us that’s registration at Crappie Depot on Friday
published in this issue. evening.
Congratulations to Kyle Thomp- We have 2 new divisions, Male-Fe-
son and William Nichols for their male, and Adult Youth. We’ve always
2nd place finish on Friday. Con- had our Rookie Team division. So if
gratulations to David and Trae McWilliams along with you’re fishing with a female or a youth, you’ll be com-
Robbie Niven for their 2nd place win on Saturday. I was peting for even more money. Please stay at the weigh-
a little confused, you supposed to weigh your best on in until the end to be eligible for the $500 and $1,000
the 1st day but these guys topped their 1st-day weight Factory Direct Furniture gift card giveaway. There’s no
by pounds. That’s very unusual for the summer months. limit to the number of times you can win but you can
Maybe not so on Barnett. This place is loaded with huge only win one prize per day.
crappie and tons of baitfish. Please help us recruit more members if you know
MCC lives by sponsorships, we would have to charge someone that enjoys crappie fishing, tell them about
$300+ in entry fees to pay expenses, points, and cham- MCC. Invite them to fish one of our Big Mama Opens.
pionship payouts without sponsorships. Currently we We had 3 brand new teams finish in the top 5 on Fri-
have 100+ members and we’ve only fished two tour- day.
naments. We’re averaging 53 teams per tournament. If If you would like sign up to receive our emails, here’s
we could get each member to solicit a $200 sponsorship the link: Fill out the form, then
that would total over $20,000. That’s huge, we could verify your email address when you get the email from
fish for much more than the $55,000 Championship our email host.
Payout we fished for in 2019. A $200 sponsorship is not We’ll see you at Enid if it’s the Lords will, I hope and
a lot to ask for when you consider they’re getting an ad pray that you and your family have a safe time between
in our MCC Adventures Magazine. now and them. May God bless and keep you from all Rabbit Rogers & Pat Jeffcoats
If you own a business, why not consider the $2,500 harm. Thank You. Bernard
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